AMBUSH AT SORINOR - Version 1.02 Upgrade ============================================ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO UPDATE YOUR FILES: ------------------------- 1) Insert the update disk into appropriate floppy drive. Type the drive letter containing the update disk, followed by a colon and {Enter}. Example A: {Enter} 2) Type: COPY *.* C:\AMBUSH (If using a directory other than C:\AMBUSH then type that directory in) 3) Type the AMBUSH hard drive letter followed by a colon and press {Enter}. Example C: {Enter} 4) Your game has been updated ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROBLEMS FIXED IN THIS VERSION: - A speed control option has been added to the game. On the Other Menu and within the game on the System Menu (F1) an option exists for slowing the game down. If Ambush plays too quickly on your computer, set the speed control to a slower speed setting. - A few of the 200+ missions in the game had missing or incomplete mission descriptions and have been corrected in this version. - Some AI changes have been made to cut down on delays when the computer VIPs or escorts are entering the field. Waiting (not entering the battlefield) was an option for computer AI and this has been eliminated.